Measure Mineral Status & Metabolic Acidosis Risk

The pH level of urine after 6 hours of rest reflects pH throughout the body. Levels below 6.5 indicate metabolic acidosis. Low pH also suggests mineral deficits, because minerals are pulled from bone and body fluid during metabolic acidosis to buffer and reduce acids and maintain pH within a health range.

Acid-alkaline balance is important. Tiny changes in pH have profound implications for cell metabolism. Life exists poised exquisitely just above the neutral point of 7.0. Levels of pH above 7.5 can indicate catabolic illness in which amino acids are used as energy sources.

Any unusual variation in urinary pH is usually reflected in the first morning urine. This calls for changes in diet and/or nutritional supplements to restore acid-alkaline balance. Simply checking the pH level each day provides ongoing monitoring to see whether pH has been corrected. (Click here for 1st AM Urine pH test protocol) This is an important aspect of biochemistry – so if there is an abnormality, that has to be monitored regularly.

Healthy values are urine pH in the 6.5-7.5 range.

Measure your 1st AM Urine pH with the 15-day self-test kit available from ELISA/ACT Biotechnologies. Call 1.800.553.5472 to order yours.

Effective December 18, 2024, ELISA/ACT Biotechnologies will be temporarily closing for operational research and improvement