The Immune System’s Role
The Immune System’s Role: Reactive Cells Are Easily, Accurately Detected
One of the recent major advancements in medicine is our expanded understanding of the immune system and its important role in general health and wellness. Medical science has come to recognize that the immune system has defense as well as repair components. The defense component of the immune system fights off the foreign “invaders” that create disease, while the repair component restores tissue and organs from damage that the disease state may have caused.
If either the defense or repair function becomes overburdened or overstressed, immune dysfunction and disease may result. Recent studies have shown that when the defense elements (lymphocytes) are mobilized against the effects of foreign antigens, the vital repair process is deferred. Organs and tissue weaken over time, and the body’s ability to fight off future assaults is reduced. The effect of immune system dysfunction can be chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases that often defy treatment.